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How To Blitz Sight Reading for Beginners

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Author Samantha Coates, Michelle Madder
Composer Samantha Coates, Michelle Madder
Publisher BlitzBooks Publications
Stock Code SRB
Supplier Item ID SRB
ISBN10 00033613
ISBN13 9781877011870
Medium Softcover
Instrument Piano
Category Piano & Keyboard
Subcategory 1 Instructional
Subcategory 2 Sightreading


Beginner Levels B1-B10 with Achievement Stickers


How To Blitz! Sight Reading For Beginners is a prequel to Book 1. It is written for musicians who are just starting out in their piano careers and is designed to create a love of sight reading, through the fabulous ‘key sticker’ reward system.

The book presents three sight-reading concepts and a test in each of the ten levels, drilling rhythm reading and note and pattern recognition. By the end of Beginner Level 10, students will have a strong foundation of sight reading skills and will be ready to blitz their way through Books 1, 2 and 3!

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